In astrology, in addition to the birth chart, we also consider the current movements of the planets within the zodiac. This helps bring awareness of opportunities to welcome and pitfalls to avoid. These movements are called transits. When two or more planets combine their energies because they are transiting certain signs in relation to one another, their combined effect can be profound.
In this post, we are focusing on one such transit occurring in Aquarius because of its strong potential to cause inner turmoil affecting outer circumstances. As challenging as it might be, however, there is an opportunity.
The aspect in question is the Mars Saturn conjunction presently going on through 15 April in the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius is the sign related to following the will of God, i.e., your higher Self, your authentic Self. In Capricorn, we learn to listen to God’s commands. In Aquarius, we follow them… at least that is the idea. Because we are evolving spiritual beings, being authentic is a learning process. When Mars and Saturn move through Aquarius together, that process is interrupted and challenged.
Mars-Saturn Conjunction: Inner Turmoil, Outer Conflict
Although recent studies indicate that in regard to world history we are living more peaceably with one another than ever before, a casual review of current affairs and the recent past and we find it hard to believe that human society is evolving. The truth is we all play a part in what goes on in the world and the current Mars Saturn conjunction in Aquarius illuminates how this begins with each of us. The inner turmoil caused by our unfulfilled desires creates outer conflict.
Mars represents action; Saturn is inaction. In its most mature form within a human being, Mars is the capacity to do the right thing at the right time. In eastern traditions, this is referred to as dharma. Saturn is the capacity to objectively engage life. Though emotions bring sweetness to our circumstances (moon), it is Saturn that provides the firm foundation upon which the emotions play. When we are ungrounded, our Saturn, i.e., when our capacity to stay rooted in the present is disturbed, our emotional nature can become unstable and we can suffer large mood swings.
The Nature of Mars-Saturn
Imagine you are making a pot of lobster bisque from an old family recipe. In this pot, you have all the finest ingredients: fresh lobster from Maine, tomato sauce from your own vine-ripened heirloom tomatoes, hand-picked forest mushrooms and cream from your local farmer. You add some chopped organic celery and chives, a touch of tarragon and thyme, fresh ground pepper and… where’s the hand-harvested sea salt from Île de Ré?? Not a pinch in the house! The local shop is closed and your guests arrive in ten minutes. There is only one thing to do; get mad! Get angry! So you give your grateful dog the bisque and yell at your spouse for using the last of the salt in their morning bath… ?
This is what the Mars-Saturn conjunction is like: we have a strong desire, but we meet a thick wall of resistance either from within or without. The result is unfulfilled desire which often leads to frustration, anger, loss of discrimination and, ultimately, destruction. Not a very joyful way to live, is it? Is there a better way?
Mars and Saturn are in Aquarius and indicate a need for us to be vigilant of our own tendencies to prevent destructive actions from taking place. Mars is our capacity to take right action at the right time. It is our warrior knight who knows what needs to be done and does it willingly. Saturn represents our objectivity and our capacity to persevere by embracing the necessary process. When we are methodical, we are accessing our Saturn.
When these two share the same space in a chart, the results are not pleasant UNLESS you know what is happening. Our impulse is to act without hesitation (Mars); our prudence seeks to commit only after a careful examination of the details (Saturn). When conjunct (together in the same sign), they create friction. Mars wants to go, Saturn wants to hold back. In the end, frustration happens. Frustration, of course, is a result of an unfulfilled desire. Unfulfilled desire leads to anger, either towards others or towards oneself (depression). Once anger establishes itself within us, we lose discrimination and this loss of discrimination can become destructive.
Helpful Hints
For Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, or Pisces sun-signs, Mars is a ‘friend’ and Saturn an ‘enemy’. This means your Mars energy is more balanced than your Saturn energy. Therefore, action is a better policy than holding back. Obviously, you want to do your homework, but your basic tendency is to sabotage your goals through too much consideration and deliberation to the point you miss the opportunity.
For Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, or Aquarius sun-signs, your Saturn energy is more balanced than your Mars energy. Therefore, be cautious of strong desires during this time. Use your Saturn to make sure what you are about to do is going to take you where you want to go. If your plans get delayed, reflect on whether that delay was a blessing in disguise.