Astrology’s primary intention is to provide you with a baseline from which to make better choices. At its core, Elemental Astrology reveals the impetus from one lifetime to the next so you can “go with the flow” and follow the path that will bring you the greatest joy, success and fulfillment. In doing so, you will learn to root out those hidden, self-defeating tendencies through right action allowing you to welcome success into your life.
You may wonder why it is necessary to know about a painful past, a past you don’t even remember. In one word, compassion; that is, compassion for yourself. If, for example, an astrology consultation reveals that your unresolved pain is making it difficult for you to realize your full capacity to create income, the first thing this does is to allow you to breathe easier. Too often, we go through life feeling like fate is against us, don’t we? The wall between you and what you desire seems to be insurmountable. Everything you do to break through that wall ends in frustration. Knowing there is a reason behind this difficulty besides “bad luck” or your shortcomings helps you realize that you can do something to let that pain go, that you can “take back your life.”
And the way you take back your life is by following the blueprint for success shown by your astrological chart. This blueprint is open ended. It is a process of personal growth and unfoldment. By knowing the fundamental forces behind this incarnation, you can follow the path of least resistance, the areas of life that will bring you the most fulfillment in the quickest way possible.
This path comes with its own set of challenges, of course, because it is fueled by your desires. Desire is a very powerful force but difficult to control. It can move mountains, but sometimes the mountain should not be moved; sometimes it should be climbed or simply regarded and accepted for what it is.
Not all desires take you where you want to go. Some make it harder for you to achieve the success you seek. For this reason, discrimination is needed. Discrimination, in simple terms, is the capacity to know what will take you where you want to go and what will not. When you see the path clearly, you are able to choose the best path for you and avoid choices that leave you feeling depleted, de-energized and defeated.
Knowing yourself is the magic pill you seek. In reality, the path shown by astrology is made up of your deepest desire, the desire to be free from all suffering. In the heart of every human being is the longing to know who they are, where they came from and to where it is they are going. Though you don’t always realize it, everything you do, every desire you wish to fulfill is an attempt to answer these questions.
Why astrology? To help you answer those questions.