Considering today’s issues through the lens of an archaeologist/astrologer
First Look: Saturn, Solar Flares, and Us
Beginning in 2025, astrological indications and astronomical events will converge signalling an increased likelihood of difficulty for both individuals and the global community. These indications relate to 1) Saturn moving into an inimical sign, Aries, an event that happens every 28 years, and 2) increased sunspot activity affecting the emotional sensitivity of human beings.
Underscoring the sense of urgency, bestselling author Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev has recently spoken of this time as one of great possibility or great challenge. In an article last year, Sadhguru observed how, according to NASA, we have entered into a cycle of heightened sunspot activity which can profoundly affect the psychological and physical processes of a human being. This is because increased sunspot activity increases electromagnetic radiation which in turn affects the earth’s magnetic field — and, thus, anything on earth that is “electrical” including the human brain. With millions of neurones firing throughout the brain at any given moment, any disruption in the brain’s electrical field could cause a disruption in how the brain functions and, conceivably, in how the mind perceives the world.
Sadhguru writes:
Probably by mid-2025, this solar activity will rise to its peak. At that time, will we bring realisation to the world, or will we bring disasters? Will nations start shooting at each other? I would like to see something very positive and wonderful happening. But I am just one man… Someone said I have an “army.” An army takes commands. I do not want a “yes, sir” from you. I want you to come to your senses because the next few years are going to be a charged-up time on this planet.
Sunspot activity has long been linked to significant world events. The increased solar energy creates a disturbance in both the human brain and the heart’s electrical activity which has underscored some of history’s most ill-conceived plans and decisions. Until last year, scientists were predicting that the current 11-year sunspot cycle which began in 2020 ( pandemic) would follow the preceding cycle and be weak in terms of sunspot activity. However, this past summer, a team of scientists from the United States NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency) published their findings using a multitude of techniques and have predicted that this cycle will be perhaps one of the most active cycles since records were first kept in 1755. Recently, scientists have suggested the peak may come sooner, as early as the summer of 2024.
Saturn in Aries
In astrology, a convergence of indicators pointing in the same direction indicate an increased chance of a particular event happening. The more indicators present, the more likelihood that event will come to pass and the more significant its consequences.
Beginning in 2025, Saturn, one of the the slowest moving planets, will enter its sign of debilitation, Aries, and stay there for about 2.5 years though it retreats back into Pisces for about six months during the fall and winter of 2025/2026. Instead of showcasing its strength as an indicator of stability and dispassion, objectivity and equipoise, Saturn in Aries indicates the breakdown of traditions and social norms, fear and oppression. As individuals, we can become emotionally unstable, selfish, fearful, cold-blooded, and lacking the capacity to be objective and methodical. We can become more easily overwhelmed, disorganised, and unable to “go the distance”. This becomes more pronounced for those of you who have Saturn not-well placed in your astrology charts. Still, your experience is in your hands.
Though I always express to my clients that life is of our making, this is so only to the extent we are embracing our authenticity. The past has shaped your personality and it is your personality that shapes your future through your choices. To know the future, the astrologer simply reads your past. There is no need to be a psychic; for most of us, it is easily apparent in the birth chart, but for one who has risen above the confines of their past, the birth chart becomes a canvas upon which can be painted the highest of possibilities. This should be our focus and is always the goal of the astrology reading I give you.
But what about the world as a whole? Is everyone pursuing a path to reclaim their authenticity? According to the sages, conscious pursuit of one’s true nature is very rare. When Saturn is debilitated, it indicates an incapacity or inability to stay grounded and dispassionate. Debilitated, it indicates an overt focus on the survival instinct, the “what’s in it for me” attitude that wreaks havoc upon the world.
Next month
In January’s issue, we shall take this topic up again and look at ways we can counter the challenge and bring our life to an even keel during this period. In the meantime, contemplate the nature of this world and your part in it. Too often we run full steam ahead towards the illusory objects of this world believing fulfilment is found in relationships, wealth, power, and status. In truth, it is only our connection to our true nature that settles the mind and brings fulfilment. In a state of incomparable bliss, the world becomes a playground, a garden to enjoy.
Aries represents the entirety of what is both conceivable and inconceivable. It is where the untainted masculine and feminine unite in a play of consciousness giving birth to the cosmos. Aries is the vision; Saturn is the methodology. Therein lies the answer: during this period, do not allow your survival nature to take the lead. Saturn, a planet of prudence and caution, becomes fearful in the expansive nature of Aries. Keep focused on the good you can do for the world (vision) and allow Saturn, i.e., your capacity to be organised and objective, to help make it happen.
See you next month.