The insanity of the collective egoic mind, amplified by science and technology, is rapidly taking our species to the brink of disaster. Evolve or die: that is our only choice now.
When the storm comes…
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That the current positions of the stars and planets reflect the present state of affairs of life on earth is of little value in and of itself without the context of the past. Where we were shapes where we are and where we are determines our future. In this sense, understanding the past is ultimately about creating a better future, a future that is unfolding now, in the present, through our choices.
In Elemental Astrology, the task at hand is to gain awareness into the subconscious patterns that shape our future so we can make better choices in the present. Though most of our past exists as impressions imprinted upon our subconscious, these ‘memories’ still contain the emotion of the experience and that impetus creates everything we consider ourselves to be including our personality. That you tend to be gregarious but a poor listener arises from your past just as the fact you like to eat herring with your oats and love to salsa but not waltz. In the words of the spiritual masters, who we think we are is simply an accumulation of our past. Thus, a snapshot of the sky at any given moment only becomes relevant when considered relative to the past. In this way, it becomes a predictor of the future, your future.
The question is whether we allow our future to be shaped by these subconscious thought patterns born from the pain and pleasure of past experience or through conscious intent born from an unencumbered awareness. No one wants to make choices based upon what happened in their childhood, let alone what they experienced three lifetimes ago… or a hundred. Yet, this is how we live. Being authentic is simply living without the influence of the past. This is not about embracing amnesia as a practice; rather, it is letting go of our subconscious attachment to the past. We take ourselves, and our life, much too seriously. Memory is a useful tool and a needed component of physical life, but when it becomes your guide, life falls apart.
The past only influences us because we cling to it thinking it is necessary for our survival. Once we let go, however, we are free to act according to what is natural, what is needed, and what is for the benefit of all, including ourselves. In Elemental Astrology, the past is illumined in order that you might see the folly of living your life according to your pain body. Avoiding aspects of life because your subconscious “remembers” a hurt is immature. Infatuated with your own opinion, you shut down dialogue and ‘cancel’ others because they hold a different opinion. Is this how we should live?
As significant as this is on an individual level, it is on the collective level where we come face to face with the insanity to which Elkhart Tolle refers. When our course of action is determined by a pain-pleasure body rooted in the past, it is not difficult to see why the world is in such turmoil. As a collective, we embrace our limited identity as if it is a matter of survival. Indeed, to the egoic mind, it is a matter of survival. Afraid, alone, and feeling separate from God, we cling to our pettiness like a drowning man clings to a piece of driftwood. We have become separated from our incomprehensible magnificence, our true glory, and this makes us prone to mistaking the delusions of others for truth.
Thus, as a society, we move closer to annihilation, one unbelievable policy decision at a time — confident in our choices, but lacking the clarity to understand the far-reaching effects.
Common sense is rooted in the capacity to comprehend the consequences of our choices. It astounds me to read of recent studies that find how the current crop of young people, those who have recently acquired the right to vote, are unconcerned with restrictions on free speech. Indeed, on a recent episode of Dr. Phil, an American talk show, the creator of Instagram and other Generation Z members of the audience, those born between the mid 90s and the mid 2010s, expressed how it is good policy to restrict the opinions of others if those opinions are found to be offensive. The unspoken question, however, is who will determine what is offensive? Controlling speech is the very first step toward controlling the narrative and the bedrock upon which every dictator and totalitarian has built their empire. Why, one wonders, are young people so separated from understanding the importance of free speech in a democracy?
It begins with us — in our homes, at work, on the beach and at the corner market. When we arise each morning, do we feel the lightness of being or are we burdened before the day even begins? The spiritual process is nothing but embracing our greatness, our authentic power, beyond the survival instinct, beyond a past that has no reality but what we give it. Who we are is beyond measure and even a moment’s taste of our magnificence can transform our lives in an instant. I urge you to seek the truth, not “your truth”, but the one great truth you are.
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