July 23 through August 22, 2022
Happy Birthday, Leo! Have you ever looked closely at a busy sidewalk after a rain when the snails come out? Not a pretty sight. Confidence is not enough (for both the snails and humans); we also need clarity. But I believe in you, Leo. With your sun in its own sign this month, your outer brilliance is second only to your inner shine. Light up the world, Simha!
You can be a world-beater this month, Virgo, but not with a big stick. Spend some time with yourself and you will rediscover a beautiful aspect — your ability to serve the world. Follow your charitable brilliance with your pocketbook and you will open a door you didn’t realise was there.
Your ability to generate income has always occupied a significant place in your thoughts. This month, you can help make it real by spending time with successful people. If you don’t know any, that’s okay. Go to where they hang out. Rubbing shoulders, like rubbing sticks, is the first step toward a roaring blaze.
Can you put your tendency toward activity to an advantage? Yes! Where else but in right action. This month, the sun is telling you to do what’s right. And guess what, Scorpio? That means first being kind toward yourself. Then, discover a better connection to work by being honest with yourself. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life doing what you are doing? Maybe yes, maybe no… the choice is yours.
Nature is calling you, Sagittarius! Do you hear it’s call and if you do, will you answer? It’s that wild thing inside you that speaks of ancient times dancing ’round the fire, under the stars. And who might be there dancing with you but the Lord of Abundance and Prosperity…
Do you ever hear whispers in the middle of a warm August night coming to you on the wings of a gentle breeze through an open window? They call for you, Capricorn, but fear not for they are the cry of your own heart, the yearning to find a deeper meaning to it all. This month is your chance. You’ll find it ‘far from the maddening crowd’…
The potential of relationships is seldom realised because we are too busy trying to get something rather than give. Be warned, however, for even giving can have a selfish intent behind its rosy facade. The sun in Leo shines a light on your relationships so you can see the truth to what it is you bring to others. No matter what you discover, know that your potential is unlimited beauty.
Compassion and empathy have always been strong points. This month, get a sense of what you mean to others by bringing resolution to their troubles. In the process you’ll discover how health and healing form two sides of your equilateral triangle representing the world. The third side? Selfless service of which you have an abundance. This month, step out into the world and shine your light!
Do you feel the urge to pick up a paintbrush and create a masterpiece? What about finishing that novel you started but never finished? Never even began? No worries. But please do something creative this month, Aries. Big or small, good, bad, or ugly, you’ll find that it’s not the bark of the dog that matters, but its bite. So stop barking and take a bite. No, not out of your neighbour, Aries — out of Life! You’ll find the taste is habit forming.
What’s the difference between house and home, Taurus? Simple enough: a house refers to space (bricks and mortar) and home refers to place (emotional connection). But O my! How confused we become. Let place guide you and space is sure to follow. And the place to start? With yourself. This month, you have a chance to really see what it is that makes you tick. Hint: it is not home and family. Confused? Good. Confusion is the first step toward knowing.
There is a blazing fire burning within you this month, a fire of desire. But it’s a strange fire: the more fuel you add, the less it burns. Better to simply let it burn with no intention. What you will discover is that what you have been seeking is not really what you want. There in the ashes sits the object of your desire, a golden wish-fulfilling nugget that needed fire to burn away the dross. Let the fire reveal what it is you really want.
You eloquence reaches new heights this month. Whether it bloats your ego or does the world a world of good depends upon whether you bathe it in compassion and season it with humility. I think the latter is your destiny for no other reason than I trust you. Don’t make me eat my words, Cancer; I have eleven other signs to dine on. ?
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