Other than the enlightened, every human being who walks upon this planet carries a burden from their distant past, a burden that prevents them from living a truly fulfilling life. This burden was created when an aspect of life was mismanaged leading to a traumatic event that caused great pain and suffering. So significant was this pain that a wall was created in an effort to protect oneself from what was mistakenly viewed as the cause. This burden is what is now experienced as a fundamental life constriction, the obstacle that separates you from living the life of your dreams.
Paradoxically, working through this burden will not bring results. Facing our burdens head on does not work because they are too deeply rooted in our psyche to overcome through sheer willpower. Being aware of how they influence our life is helpful but to really work through it, we need another plan.
In astrology, we are able to not only look in detail at the burden we carry but also at the path we must follow in order to let it go. Knowing this line, from past to present future, is why astrology came into existence thousands of years ago. Astrology tells us that the way out of the constricting grasp of our burdens is through the opposite area of life, astrologically speaking.
The format of this method is simple; first we begin by discovering what it is, deep down, that is holding you back from living a life unencumbered with restrictions. This is not saying we are to live a life without obstacles and challenges. Rather, it says we can be in such a state that obstacles and challenges do not affect our inner experience. In simple terms, this is what is referred to as “enlightenment.”
After understanding how the past affects you, we look at how you can break free from its clutches by embracing and energizing the areas that encompass all the domains where your energy naturally wants to go. This is found in the sign opposite the sign of your distant past. This sign is the key you seek and can lead to your complete freedom.
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